Thursday, February 07, 2008

I guess the graph doesn't update automatically on my blog. I am up to page 25 now.

We have a new presidency in the Church now. It is President Monson, Henry Eyring 1st Councilor, and President Uckdorf (not sure on spelling) as second councilor.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

This week has been a little tough. We lost our beloved Prophet last Sunday night. Gordon B. Hinckley was 97 years old. He is now with his beloved wife now. And I am sure that the other prophets who have gone before him greeted him as he passed throgh the veil, as well as Jesus and our Heavenly Father. He was a great man. He had a great sense of humor. He was very humble, and you always felt better after you heard him speak. We are going to miss him here in the mortal world, But we will be blessed to see him again on the other side. There is a challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 97 days. I am taking that challenge, even though it means reading 5 and a half pages a day. I am posting my progress chart here so you all can see how I am doing. I hope it works. The challenge starts tomorrow - Feb. 4th.