Monday, September 25, 2006

I have been sewing earrings tonight. I am making apples, cherries, pumpkins, acorns, colored leaves tonight. So far they are turning out cute. I have some apples done now. I thought they would be good for fall craft shows. I am going to be embroidering some hand towels with sunflowers, and some with apple pies on them. I want to do 2 craft shows a week apart, so I have got to have a lot sewed up by November. I am trying to design some coin purses by embroidering on front and back and then cutting them out, sewing them together and putting velcro on to close them. I hope they turn out nice. I will post pictures of them if they do. I love the Fall, the changing of the leaves. They are so beautiful. That is why I was married in the Fall.

I have been working on our church newsletter also. I have it almost done. I have some pictures I want to share.

Sunrise at our house

This is a weird sky I saw one day and snapped a pic of it. It is at our house.

This is our house in the fall. The yellow trees are called Norway Maples, aren't they pretty?

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