Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I know, most people say Happy July 4th, but I like to use the real name for this day as it is more than just July 4th. It is the day we celebrate our independence from a tyrany. I have been contemplating this today. Did you know that in the Book of Mormon, the war that we waged against the English was fortold by the prophets? It says that we would get help from God to win this war. Think about it, how could a bunch of colonists, not soldiers, beat the most powerful army in the world at that time? We must have been inspired and helped by our heavenly father. Christopher Columbus was also prophesied about in the Book of Mormon. When it comes down to it the writers of the Declaration of Independence were inspired to write it. Just read it for yourselves.

In the Book of Mormon, it also says that as long as this country is righteous, we will be favored from our Heavenly Father. We will be blessed with our freedoms, but I am fearful that I see this country slipping away from being righteous. Why is it that we cannot have prayer in our schools anymore? Why is the Ten Commandments taken out of the courthouse down south? Don't you think that our laws are based on those commandments? Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commmit adultry, etc.

I give a BIG THANK YOU to the men and women fighting for our freedoms right now over seas. We love you, and appreciate you! My prayers are with you always. Come home safe. I wish I could give each and every one of you a big hug.

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