Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just a quick note, as it is my bedtime. I have been working on my lesson for nursery in church tomorrow. It is entitled :I can love others. I have made a flannel board story about the good samaritan, and am planning on talking about how Jesus loves us. I am also going to talk about how we should act when we have love for someone else. I have made each a necklace of a heart that says I Love You on it.

The children I teach are 18 months to 3 years. The class I have now are all 3 or almost 3 yrs. old. They are such fun. I love them so much. They are very active and are keeping me young.

We had our daughter and granddaughter over today. Jamya is getting so big. She is learning Patty Cake now. She still does't have any teeth, but they are ready to come through. She is crawling very quickly now, and pulling herself up on things. She is so expressive and fun to play with. We watched 101 Dalmations (the one with Glen Close as Cruella Dev il) She watched it until she fell asleep.

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